Thursday, 1 June 2017

Treat Me right, please.

1549 p.m

Before, I used to bear in my mind : to treat her/him right if he/she treats me right.
Haha*devil's laugh*
In Islam and japanese culture, its totally wrong to do that.

For the first lesson of the second class, we learn to politely greet people.
In japanese culture, it is a norm practice to politely greet people even though to a stranger
and at the first place, Islam also encourages us to greet any people with dua'a (Assalam)

We, Malaysians, have formal and informal greetings, right?. So it is the same with the japanese.
Japanese people greet accordingly to the occasion and time.

In the morning,

Ohayoo gozaimasu means good morning.

You may say Ohayoo (informal), Ohayoo gozaimasu (formal) to greet people in the morning.
The second party will answer back ohayoo gozaimasu indeed.

In the afternoon,

You can say konnichiwa and reply back konnichiwa. If you want to say HELLO, instead of hello, you may say konnichiwa also.

In the night, when you want to greet people before the time to sleep,

In the night, when you want to greet people before YOU'RE GOING TO SLEEP

Sounds interesting right, haha. Japanese have two night greetings but bring different meaning.

When you want to say goodbye,

You can say さよなら (sayoonara) and reply back dewa mata or じゃあまた (jaa, mata)。

When you want say thank you,

You can say ありがとうございます (arigato gozaimasu)(formal)。And you can reply back いいえ(iie) or すみません (sumimasen).

When you want to say sorry or excuse me,

You can utter すみません (sumimasen). 

Other basic greetings : I learnt other basic greetings through this link :Another basic greetings 


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