Thursday 1 June 2017

Hiragana, Katakana, Kanji

(T_T) how i'm going to memorize all those syllables

Btw, to understand japanese language, we should master hiragana and katakana writing.

Hiragana is used for japanese words while katakana is used for newer word that imported from western countries.

This is hiragana syllables :

This is katakana syllables looked like:

I learnt some kanjis also *flip hair*
but later haha.

At first i found it difficult to differentiate which one is hiraganas' characters and which one is katakanas.
You will not find it confusing if you only memorize the hiraganas. But soon, after you memorize the katakanas, you will. Trust me. If you do a lot of  practise on writing katakanas and hiraganas, you wont find it confusing. Like the pro said, practices makes perfect.

Dont worry minnasan,
like the ghost said, we'll work through this together.
Everything will be easy after a hard practice.
Ganbatte kudasai minnasan ! and to me especially (phewww, a lot of work need to be done!)

Ijo desu

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