Friday 2 June 2017

Kyoo wa KFC tabemashita !

Last saturday, my friend, Raihan, asked me the most difficult question in japanese language *Sigh*

Btw she loves japanese language so much. She often speaks to me in japanese language. She asked me kyoo wa doko de tabemasuka?. I was like ughhh, what she was saying?..she just smirked..haha..for sure she smirked as i have learnt in the class but at the time my brain was not functioning well..I couldnt recall. 

Then she translated to me. But still i find it difficult to answer haha. Being a student who always eats at restaurants instead of cooking by myself, it is a difficult question to answer. 

Then she asked me again sukina ryoori wa nan desu ka (すきな りょりは なんですか)
I just said とりが いちばん すきです。
Then she just said KFC で たべましょう。
Btw, KFC は やすくて おいしくて はやい です。

As KFC は とりと ハンバーがー あります,
I just agreed and said じゃあ、そうしましょう

Hanbaaga hitotsu to tori futatsu tabemashita 

Today i'am able to reply and speak in japanese language with Raihan
feel contented ^^, though

*Before you start eating, japanese people usually say itadakimasu (いただきます)

*when you done eating, you may say Gochicoosama (ごちそうさま)

ijo desu.

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