Saturday 3 June 2017

Last class , Last post T_T

First and foremost,..

To Zoraida sensei,
Thank you sensei for patiently teaching us
Thank you for bring me a ray of hope in learning japanese language
Thank you for motivating us with much stories
Thank you and thank you

Maybe this is the last class and the last post but..
it will never be an end to my japanese language journey.

I will find the opportunities to learn more and more insyaALLAH

What can i conclude from this self-development path :BB3 classmates and Zoraida sensei are awesome...hihihi

Since this is going to be my last post, i would like to wrap up this blog with some 'memories' i think.

 *although i should not be proud with this marks, but still, this marks had fueled me to the end
*Thank you sensei ;)

 This haiku is written by myself *flip beard*
Actually, I used to listen to japanese anime some phrases from the songs gave me an idea to wrote this haha.

Me and BB3 classmates together with our beloved sensei^^,

Thank You for everything.

Jaaa, Sayounara!

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