Saturday, 3 June 2017

Last class , Last post T_T

First and foremost,..

To Zoraida sensei,
Thank you sensei for patiently teaching us
Thank you for bring me a ray of hope in learning japanese language
Thank you for motivating us with much stories
Thank you and thank you

Maybe this is the last class and the last post but..
it will never be an end to my japanese language journey.

I will find the opportunities to learn more and more insyaALLAH

What can i conclude from this self-development path :BB3 classmates and Zoraida sensei are awesome...hihihi

Since this is going to be my last post, i would like to wrap up this blog with some 'memories' i think.

 *although i should not be proud with this marks, but still, this marks had fueled me to the end
*Thank you sensei ;)

 This haiku is written by myself *flip beard*
Actually, I used to listen to japanese anime some phrases from the songs gave me an idea to wrote this haha.

Me and BB3 classmates together with our beloved sensei^^,

Thank You for everything.

Jaaa, Sayounara!

おたんじょうび おめでとう! ともだち

Konnichiwa minna san !

Today, I would like to announce and wish birthday to my friend, nina san

ともだち の なまえは ニナさんさん
ニナさんは 22さい
USIM の がくせい です
ニナさんは ぺら に すんでいます
ニナさんは さかなが すきです
ニナさんは にくも すきです

こんしゅう、ニナさん の バースデーパーティーを します。

このひとは ニナサン、ニナさんは わたしの よこです。

おたんじょうび おめでとう!


if you want to wish your friend's birthday in japanese language,
here some notes that you may refer :

doozo, minnasan!

ijo desu.




まいにち、あさ (6.00 a.m)  ろくじ に おきます

シャワーを あびます。

あさ (7.00 a.m.) しじじ に あさぎはんを たべます

パンを よくたべます

8時に がっこう に いきます。

ごご (5.00 p.m.) ごじに ごじに うんどう します。

よる (8.30 p.m.) はちじはん に ばんごはん を たべます
カレー と ごはん たべます
ばんごはんの あとで テレビを みます。
シャワーを あびます

ごご (10.30 p.m.) じゅうじはん に べんきょを します。

あさ (1.00 a.m.) いちじ に ねます。

Thats how i filled my day. *sighed*

Instead of getting a lesson in class how to indicate time in japanese language,
i also watching this video (how to tell time) to practise my understanding.

Minnasan!, I want also to share here some notes on how to tell time
So do see this notes *give flying kiss*

ijo desu.

watashi no heya desu

konnichiwa minnasan!

Today, i would like to fantasize how my dream room japanese-styled look like.
As for japanese people, they tend to have their bedroom with simple design. So that their room will be hiroi (ひろい) even though their home is chiisai (ちいさい). 

I do prefer a room with hiroi (ひろい) space, so that i can freely move in the room without collliding with other things in the room.

This is my dream heya plan ^^,

へやは、ベッドと テレビと エアコンと テーブルと たなと はこと あかりと まっとと いすと らじお が あります。

らじおは テーブル の うえです
はこは たな の よこ です
あかりは テーブル の うえ です
とけいは も テーブル の うえ です

After all today i learnt preposition of place in japanese language.

on will be ue うえ
in will be naka なか
under will be shita した
beside will be yoko よこ

ijo desu!

Friday, 2 June 2017

Watashi no ie (My House)


わたしは トレンガヌ に すんでいます。

わたしは トレンガヌ に すんでいます。
わたしの いえは リンクハウス です。
わたしの いえは ひろいです。
かぞくと すんでいます。
ちかくに こうえんが あります。
としょかんも あります。
やすみに あそびに きて ください。


Kyoo wa KFC tabemashita !

Last saturday, my friend, Raihan, asked me the most difficult question in japanese language *Sigh*

Btw she loves japanese language so much. She often speaks to me in japanese language. She asked me kyoo wa doko de tabemasuka?. I was like ughhh, what she was saying?..she just smirked..haha..for sure she smirked as i have learnt in the class but at the time my brain was not functioning well..I couldnt recall. 

Then she translated to me. But still i find it difficult to answer haha. Being a student who always eats at restaurants instead of cooking by myself, it is a difficult question to answer. 

Then she asked me again sukina ryoori wa nan desu ka (すきな りょりは なんですか)
I just said とりが いちばん すきです。
Then she just said KFC で たべましょう。
Btw, KFC は やすくて おいしくて はやい です。

As KFC は とりと ハンバーがー あります,
I just agreed and said じゃあ、そうしましょう

Hanbaaga hitotsu to tori futatsu tabemashita 

Today i'am able to reply and speak in japanese language with Raihan
feel contented ^^, though

*Before you start eating, japanese people usually say itadakimasu (いただきます)

*when you done eating, you may say Gochicoosama (ごちそうさま)

ijo desu.

Nani ga suki desu ka? なにが すきですか?

If someone ask me what do you like?
I will confidently say tabemono(たべもの)*facepalm*
as i do love to eat a lot.

Food is food haha. In japanese food is called tabemono(たべもの).Btw, I love to eat とりと にくと くだものと やさいと ごはんです。でも、さかなは すきじゃない です。I do have a bitter experience related to sakana haha..I'm almost being warded due to choke on fish bone. The fish bone was so big at that time and my throat cant swallow it well. Because of that, sakana wa sukijanai desu..If someone offer me ( sakanana, tabemasuka?)..I will just say iie, kekko desu. If someone offer you something in japanese language and you decided to not accepting the offer,
you may say いいえ、けっこです。But if you want to accept the offer, make sure you accept it politely by replying back はい、おねがいします。Then, the person will say back to you はい、どうぞ, which means yeah! please take it and you may reply すみません。


As for breakfast or asa-gohan (あさごはん)

パン を よく たべます
たまご は あまり たべません。

As for lunch or hiru-gohan (ひるごはん)

ごはん と カレー を よく たべます

As for dinner or ban-gohan(ばんごはん)

ハンバーガー は あまり たべません。

Ijo desu!.

わたしの かぞく My family

We all have family right.
but how we introduce our family in japanese language? Hmmm
No worries minnasan. There is a simple way to introduce your family in japanese language.
You just need to know the right vocab, then everything will be settled.

Family in japanese called kazoku (かぞく)

Some vocabularies i want to share:

My father is chichi (ちち)
Someone's father is otoosan (おとうさん)

My mother is haha (はは)
Someone's mother is okaasan (おかあさん)

My elder brother is ani (あに)
Someone's elder brother is oniisan (おにいさん)
My younger brother is otooto (おとうと)
Someone's younger brother (おとうとさん)

My elder sister is ane (あね)
Someone's elder sister is oneesan (おねえさん)
My younger sister is imooto (いもうと)
Someone's younger sister (いもうとさん)

Now, let me introduce my family ^^,

わたしの かぞくは 6-にん です。
ちちと ははと あねと おとうとと いもうとと わたしです。
ちちの しごとは スーパーバイザーです。
ちちは 54-さいです。

ははは も 54-さい です。
ははの しごとは こうむいん です

あねは 23-さい です 
USIM の がくせい です

おとうとは 14-さいです
ちゃう がくせい です

いもうとは 12-さいです
しゃう がくせい です

わたし 22-さい です
USIM の がくせい です。

いじょ です。

Doozo yoroshiku ! どうぞ よろしく !

Ha ha ha. I think at the earliest post i have done a little bit introduction about myself, right.
But never mind, i will do it again in this post. I will do a proper introduction of myself as i have learnt on my previous class on how to introduce ourselves in japanese language.


おなまえわ アキラ です。

マレ₋シアから きました 

USIM の がくせい です

りがくぶの 3-ねんせいです

どうぞ よろしく、おねがい します。


Onamae wa akira desu

Mareeshia kara desu

USIM no gakusee desu

Rigakubu no san nensei desu

doozo yoroshiku onegai shimasu.

* you may use hajimemashite to introduce yourselves to people who you just met
*then after introduce yourselves you should politely ended with doozo yoroshiku which means nice to meet you.

Thursday, 1 June 2017

Hiragana, Katakana, Kanji

(T_T) how i'm going to memorize all those syllables

Btw, to understand japanese language, we should master hiragana and katakana writing.

Hiragana is used for japanese words while katakana is used for newer word that imported from western countries.

This is hiragana syllables :

This is katakana syllables looked like:

I learnt some kanjis also *flip hair*
but later haha.

At first i found it difficult to differentiate which one is hiraganas' characters and which one is katakanas.
You will not find it confusing if you only memorize the hiraganas. But soon, after you memorize the katakanas, you will. Trust me. If you do a lot of  practise on writing katakanas and hiraganas, you wont find it confusing. Like the pro said, practices makes perfect.

Dont worry minnasan,
like the ghost said, we'll work through this together.
Everything will be easy after a hard practice.
Ganbatte kudasai minnasan ! and to me especially (phewww, a lot of work need to be done!)

Ijo desu

'kiritsu' (きりつ), 'rei'(れい), 'chakuseki'(ちゃくせき)

During our primary and secondary school,
We, Malaysian, used to say  stand up, then ' ASSALAMUALAIKUM, SELAMAT PAGI, CIKGU'.
Then, all of us will sit after the teacher saying ' duduk, semua'.
Its kind of a norm expression or greetings we use in a classroom.

but, do  japanese people use the same greetings and expressions like we normally say and do in Malaysia?

Certainly not. They have their bow to show respect to the sensei(the teacher). We dont do the bow part. Its enough to show your respect by attentively greeting the teacher.

How the japanese people greet their せんせい (sensei) or きょうし (kyooshi).

Zoraida sensei (my japanese language sensei) did taught us how to say stand up and sit in japanese language.

To say stand up, 'kiritsu' (きりつ).
The class rep will say 'kiritsu'
after all of us stand up, we do the bow part to show a respect to the teacher.
Btw, japanese culture, they dont do to the teacher only.
If they want to greet people, they make a must to do the bow part.
after the 'rei', the class rep will say ohayoo gozaimasu, sensei.
then everyone will follow.
Then the class rep will say  'chakuseki'(ちゃくせき) which means sit down.

The pronunciation of the words haha really captured my heart because the sounds uttered looked so cute. But, i found it difficult to pronounce kiritsu haha. Because i have problem to pronounce word with 'r'.

'rei'(れい), eego de 'bow' desu yo

Japanese have 3 types of bows depending on the deepness of the waist bend

Eshaku bow
(the most casual bow)
You need to bend your waist about 15 degree angle
The japanese people tend to give this bow when exchanging a casual greeting or passing by someone of a higher social status.

Keirei bow
(normally known as business interaction bow)
We need to bend our body part to about 30 degrees.
The keirei bow is normally practised when entering or leaving reception or meeting room
or when greeting customers.

Saikeirei bow
(the most polite bow)
We need to bend our upper body part (torso) about 45 degrees.
This bow used to express feelings of deep gratitude or apology

Last but not least is ' Acuh tak Acuh ' bow
haha just kidding. Japanese dont have that bow.
Only we malaysians do that bow sometimes. (I'm referring to me before i want to do bow exactly like the japanese people do but i dont how to do a proper bow, so i just nod my head a little bit and i was like, waaa! i have done my bow perfectly)

During that class, i also learnt about the classroom expression.

If your sensei are explaining the lesson and you are not listening well,
we can say moo ichido onegaishimasu.
It means one more time please
I suggest you to memorize this phrases well if you are deciding to take japanese language course haha
It is the most important phrase you should remember compared other words.
For us that have zero basic in japanese language, it may be difficult to capture and understand the words right away, so we may use the もういちど(informal) or もういちど おねがいします.
If you're running out words or vocabulary in japanese class, just say that phrase please.

some phrases that you can combine with moo ichido :

Kiite kudasai (きいて ください) : please listen
Kaite kudasai (かいて ください) : please write
Itte kudasai (いって ください) : please talk
Mite kudasai (みて ください) : please see
Yonde kudasai (よんで ください) : please read

We may combine the phrases like this

E.g : Moo ichido itte kudasai ( please repeat your word one more time)

and how do we say if we understood what sensei's explaining.

We say wakarimashita but if we didnt understand, say wakarimasen

Btw, lets imagine
after we understood the lesson,
we need to excuse ourselves, how can we say to sensei to excuse ourselves?

we may say chotto shitsureeshimasu (ちょっと しつれします)

Instead of the lesson in the class, i also see this link to increase my vocabulary  and this

Ijo desu ;)

Treat Me right, please.

1549 p.m

Before, I used to bear in my mind : to treat her/him right if he/she treats me right.
Haha*devil's laugh*
In Islam and japanese culture, its totally wrong to do that.

For the first lesson of the second class, we learn to politely greet people.
In japanese culture, it is a norm practice to politely greet people even though to a stranger
and at the first place, Islam also encourages us to greet any people with dua'a (Assalam)

We, Malaysians, have formal and informal greetings, right?. So it is the same with the japanese.
Japanese people greet accordingly to the occasion and time.

In the morning,

Ohayoo gozaimasu means good morning.

You may say Ohayoo (informal), Ohayoo gozaimasu (formal) to greet people in the morning.
The second party will answer back ohayoo gozaimasu indeed.

In the afternoon,

You can say konnichiwa and reply back konnichiwa. If you want to say HELLO, instead of hello, you may say konnichiwa also.

In the night, when you want to greet people before the time to sleep,

In the night, when you want to greet people before YOU'RE GOING TO SLEEP

Sounds interesting right, haha. Japanese have two night greetings but bring different meaning.

When you want to say goodbye,

You can say さよなら (sayoonara) and reply back dewa mata or じゃあまた (jaa, mata)。

When you want say thank you,

You can say ありがとうございます (arigato gozaimasu)(formal)。And you can reply back いいえ(iie) or すみません (sumimasen).

When you want to say sorry or excuse me,

You can utter すみません (sumimasen). 

Other basic greetings : I learnt other basic greetings through this link :Another basic greetings 
